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SSSTS Online – Weekend Sat & Sun-2&3 Nov-2024

SSSTS Online – Weekend Sat & Sun-2&3 Nov-2024

Original price was: £250.00.Current price is: £249.00.

The two-day CITB Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme provides candidates the necessary legal, health, safety, welfare, and environmental training for construction supervisors, foremen, and engineers, as well as labor staff.


The two-day CITB Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme provides candidates the necessary legal, health, safety, welfare, and environmental training for construction supervisors, foremen, and engineers, as well as labor staff.

The course is recognized by the UKCG (UK Contractors Group) as providing the necessary training for working on UK construction sites.

The CITB SSSTS certificate is valid for 5 years.

This attracts a CITB Short Course Duration Grant at Tier 2, with a value of £70. Please see the Grants and Funding tab for further information.

To complete the course, you will be required to pass a 25-question multiple-choice exam and gain 18 marks to pass. The minimum entry requirement is a good understanding of spoken and written English.


The Health and Safety at Work Act

Supervisor responsibilities and duties

Specific site issues that challenge supervisors on a daily basis

Effective site inductions, toolbox talks and method statements

Supervision of occupational health

Behavioral safety

Candidates will be continuously assessed during the course via the trainer through individual and group work.

Candidates will also sit a multiple-choice test at the end of the course and results will be available within 3-5 days of sitting the course. Successful candidates will be awarded SSSTS certificates.


S9 Training Solutions can provide onsite SSSTS course as well.

Call S9 Training Solutions for more information.

02034888123 or 07501170101


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